De-armouring: A whole body emotional release experience.

I attended a heart de-armouring workshop about a month ago at The Toronto Tantra Festival. A woman sat down beside me and we started chatting. She confessed she thought that the only place you could de-armour is in a yoni and was excited to learn more. Throughout the workshop we worked along the front of the torso and learned and practiced de-armouring in that capacity.

De-armouring is physical and energetic action coupled with an emotional release and can be done anywhere on the body where emotions or trauma get stored. I don't believe that is one perfect way to do de-armouring, but in general de-armouring is physical touch deep enough in a specific spot to invoke an emotional response, and it's held until the emotion is fully released. You could look at it like an emotional trigger point, if you're familiar with trigger point therapy, with a similar physical mechanism, but a different intention.

Some common places to de-armour are around:

  • the chest/heart

  • the neck, throat and jaw

  • the whole length of the spine, as well as the ribcage

  • all around the front, back and sides of the pelvis

  • the inner thighs tend to hold a lot too

  • through our bellies (our emotional center)

  • As well as inside the yoni and anus.

As with any bodywork, communication between giver and receiver is essential.

Another neat part of de-armouring is you can do it on yourself. It's a different experience as you're both giving and receiving, but there are benefits to it as well, like being exactly where you want the touch to be, with the right amount of depth. The benefits to someone else doing it for you, is you can surrender and be held and witnessed in your emotions and expression.

To experience the magic of de-armouring, connect with me for an Embodiment Session, either Bodymind Clearing or Erotic Embodiment.


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